The Revolutionary New Service for Hot Water Tank Maintenance.

The Revolutionary New Service for Hot Water Tank Maintenance.

Our unique cleaning service is the first in the Country, making us the go-to solution for extending the lifespan and improving the performance of your hot water tank.

Never heard of us? That’s Okay!

Never heard of us? That’s Okay!

In my early days excavating sediment from Water Heaters I was worried “Education” would be an issue, I couldn’t have been more incorrect. Yes, my service is new, yes you might not have heard of this service, and yes you probably never give your Water Heater a second thought. I was worried because of these reasons I would really have to convince homeowners to let me renew their aching Tank but, as I alluded, this was not the case. By explaining my service and answering a few basic questions, I have not been turned down once! This proves further, if you have a good product, it will sell itself. And if the service you’re providing is truly needed and valuable, the client should understand the value proposition on the spot, without any need for convincing. No salesmanship or marketing will be needed, and they won’t compensate for an uncompelling service or product. In addition, you need to put yourself out there, start meeting strangers, start booking clients, and just take action. Your fear is only in your head, and in my case wasn’t justified at all. Once clients learned about Crystal Clear, they wanted us! Book a service here, and let Crystal Clear save your Water Heater. If you want to experience the joys of owning your own business and experience entrepreneurship firsthand, consider joining us here at Crystal Clear.


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