The Revolutionary New Service for Hot Water Tank Maintenance.

The Revolutionary New Service for Hot Water Tank Maintenance.

Our unique cleaning service is the first in the Country, making us the go-to solution for extending the lifespan and improving the performance of your hot water tank.

Minerals in your Water

Minerals in your Water

We covered how ALL Water Heaters are subject to sediment buildup, how the sediment is formed by the minerals in water precipitated out by the act of heating it, and how it doesn’t matter where your water comes from, whether city or well, all water carries dissolved minerals in suspension.

Minerals.. great for humans but, not great for Water Heaters.

We also know 85% of the water in America contains enough dissolved minerals to be classified as hard water, and even worse 24 million people in America have homes affected by highly corrosive water, read more here. The study found Urban areas are most affected, surprisingly. So now that we’re all caught up, let’s break down which minerals are most prevalent in your water supply, and which ones are most likely to negatively affect your Water Heater – hint, (there is A LOT), these are only the most common.

  1. Calcium
  2. Magnesium
  3. Potassium
  4. Sodium
  5. Phosphorus
  6. Copper
  7. Zinc

As you can see there are numerous minerals in your water, whether you get your water from your well or township, you can see how they negatively affect the lifespan of your Water Heater. Some can contribute to a Dangerous situation within your Water Heater. With annual servicing from Crystal Clear, we will excavate all that nasty mineral sediment encompassed in your Water Heater, and renew it for decades to come. Book a service here, and let Crystal Clear save your Water Heater.


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