The Revolutionary New Service for Hot Water Tank Maintenance.

The Revolutionary New Service for Hot Water Tank Maintenance.

Our unique cleaning service is the first in the Country, making us the go-to solution for extending the lifespan and improving the performance of your hot water tank.

Enjoying My Liberating Work Week!

Enjoying My Liberating Work Week!

What does time mean to you? It means freedom to me. Time is the greatest currency we humans have to trade, sadly most of us do not understand the value time has, and we trade 40+ hours of our time to our boss, and party up the rest of the 24 hours on the weekend. 5 for 2. Remember that, 5 days of servitude, for 2 days of freedom. Who in their right mind would say that’s a fair deal? You need to understand that your time is the most valuable asset you possess; it’s memories, adventures, and family moments. Don’t forget the meaning and give your time to someone else. It’s finite, you cannot buy more.

MJ Demarco is a personal hero to me, Listen up!

As I’m writing this, it’s Tuesday, and my wife and I are staying at a campground near Charleston, SC. We have another 3 weeks here. Back home in Michigan, it’s snowing, and we love it down here in the sun. This is what money buys, but! I have the time to enjoy it also. That’s the key, decouple time from money.

If you’re making six figures, great! If you are working 60 hours a week to make it happen, how will you enjoy it? Need more money, work longer! See the problem with that? You need to de-couple your time from money, there are only two ways to do that:

  1. Write a book once, then sell that book for the rest of your life.
  2. Work for yourself, when you want, making a substantial income from a niche you provide

I’m hardly a writer, so I chose path number 2. I service Hot Water Heaters for clients providing my unique service to remove the built-up sediment from their tanks and save them from the hassle and expense of replacing the unit when it just needed renewing. The service takes under 30 minutes (I’ve been timing it since the beginning, and I got the process down pat). And charging $200 per service performed. That’s equivalent to $400 an HOUR! Jobs were extremely easy to get, as the demand for this is huge. From a customer’s standpoint, they’re paying me $200 to save themselves $1800. Not to mention the stress and inconvenience being avoided by replacing a Hot Water Tank. This is how you can de-couple time from money, and spend your newfound time doing things you love, like exploring historical cities, and adventuring across the country with your wife. Not too long ago, I was scraping ice off my windshield at 6 am, headed to a job I hated, coming home after dark, for the day to just repeat 5 more times, until I was “free” for 2 miserable, cold, snow-filled days, then it started all over again.

I wasn’t joking, about 4 months of this…

Time is your most valuable currency and asset. Spend it well, don’t let others spend it for you. If you want to experience the joys of owning your own business and experience entrepreneurship firsthand, consider joining us here at Crystal Clear.

Cheers! -Ian


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